02 January 2012


***Today's feature is brought to you by the Get Over Yourself Group in partnership with It's time to Grow Up Coalition, all under the Grace and Love of God the Ancient, Eternal, Everlasting One.***

I declare openly today that I no longer have a confidence problem. I am not shy, I am not weak or feeble and easily run over. In prayer the Lord reminded me of a few things:

1. I have the deposit of God's Holy Spirit deeply rooted, let's say hardwired, into the core of who I am. He is the seal, the guarantee that I am in God's Family. He works in me to live the full life that I am to live in Christ. He provides the strength, love, honor and armor for life.

2. I have the mind of Christ. I can look at every situation life throws at me through His eyes and understand that He is bigger, better and more powerful than any problem, opponent or spirit that tries to roll up on me. I don't have to know everything because I know Him who does.

3. As I learned recently at church, I was given access to the blessing of Abraham through Christ Jesus' death and resurrection. The three main components of that blessing are elevation, possession and dominion. I can use each right now in every area of my life. I am excited about the opportunity this affords me to bless others.

4. Did I mention that because of the torn veil, I now have access and can run in to the Lord's arms at any time? I can pray, praise and worship Him at close range. No one goes before Him on my behalf, I can enter into His throne room and adore Him and speak with Him at anytime. I love Him! And even better I know He is crazy about me; Yes Jesus loves me!

5. I know the power of His name and can call Him for wisdom, discernment and healing at anytime. I know He loves His children and has given great gifts and wants to continue to pour out blessings in the form of miracles, signs and wonders.  I have authority in my prayer to send the word He speaks to me so that situations will change. Many will see and come to know Him. Their hearts will turn to Him in praise. And in discipling those we will see the change that everyone is looking for that can only be found in Jesus.

In view of this, knowing that I am fully loved and completely accepted by the Eternal Father, the One Who Is Love- what do I have to fear? Why would I hold myself back or sabotage my growth? Well I won't because I know I can bring everything before Him and he will show me the way to go.

I will walk forward READY. 2012 let's go!

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