29 November 2005


for EW

Last night she slept with the light on-
As a child bedtime fears are thwarted by simple measures:

- close the closet door
- sleep completely covered up
- say your prayers
- turn on the night light

But what happens when the soft, glowing light is not enough to turn your fear aside?
It's time to turn on the lamp at your bedside.
Sleep. She is tired. She needs to rest.
She knows she should sleep.
She can't. She won't.

While asleep she is vulnerable and unable to fight.
Does fear keep her awake? Possibly. Grief? Definitely.
She will only allow herself to rest under the cover of light,
She will see him if he comes in the night.
She will not go with him, not tonight.

Once again she has slept by light,
But maybe, just maybe that light of night
has bought her another day, one more day.

Last night she slept with the light on
And I am so glad that she did
because maybe, just maybe
That means I get to see her again.

The light is her comfort,
I will not take it away
Her I will not question
But we will be happy one more day,
at least one more day.

Last night she slept with the light on.


Anonymous said...

that's beautiful. I love it.

ML said...

How is granny, and how are you doing? I see your grieving more, has something changed recently? That is a great poem , you should submit it to poetry.com.

Love Ya,
