22 May 2006

My purse

After the previous post I do not know how much validity is left in this statement but...

Just because I started carrying a purse that is khaki with a pink gingham strap and flowers and butterflies is not proof that I am giddy and it is not open season to tease Aisha!! I have had that purse since summer 2000. I started carrying a purse again because it was getting incredibly uncomfortable to lug that huge backpack around, not because I am trying to be "girly". And the hint of make-up is because of the new job search, it's not like the otaku would see it anyway. So what if I just bought a new skirt, I wanted it for church, although "someone" will get a picture of me in it. Oh yeah and me getting more comfortable around cameras is not at all because of... I should just stop here.

Can someone get me a ladder and how the world did I end up with this shovel in my hand anyway?


Anonymous said...

what youre trying to say is.......
Aisha's twitterpated!

I'm still waiting for the wedding.

Aisha Willis said...

Twitterpated! Where do you get these words? As for the "wedding", did you even read the previous post? Twicia, Twicia...

Anonymous said...

yes i read it but im choosing to overlook. THANK YOU vewy much...