I stand I call I speak to the nations!
Will you be a part of that beloved generation?
The ones who will perceive and faithfully declare
in the face of every obstacle and intense warfare
Can I ask that you be those who will finally believe
today beginning with me is a great legacy?
Yes our story began long before this date and time
and I know there are undesirables in every one of our lines
but we are more than a mistake or someone’s old regret,
our lives aren’t random chance spun on a wheel with placing of bets
No from before the beginning we were seeds in a field divine
and in the fullness each thereof we have sprouted into life
Now it’s our turn to reproduce after we faithfully align
His cultivation has been planned and He husbands each of our lives
and despite threatening toxicity we are pushing through to thrive
We don’t have to force anything, not bound by links of shame,
fear and doubt may be the wind in our faces but at the sound of the Most High Name
these foes must flee and we will fight because we know confidently,
we must live it in order to leave it, now is our time for legacy
Today we’re free with higher aim; impossible is the challenge we gain;
stronger, here to fortify future links within this chain
We know the vision and take our stand because in His hands is the Master Plan
We know our privilege in in this place, supplications for the mercy to take
freedom from the past and receive the present for the world is at stake
Resolutely moving forward, the light of influence never defeated,
seeking recompense for our forefathers defrauded and deceitfully cheated
In those days our ancestors may have given the enemy his due
but we were birthed to obliterate that curse and now it’s time for our move
We speak to every mountain our dominion was long foretold
We know Whose we are and what we’re anointed to take ahold
We are unified together and no oppression will stop us cold
Look out world; it’s time for a change brought on by His children so bold
You can take your traditions and your religion so full of conditions
But as heirs we cry out for more, we are going beyond intentions
We have tasted the age to come so the pressure of contradiction
Only serves to activate our faith to breakthrough to another dimension
We know our decisions today shape the landscape of tomorrow
We will not leave behind us souls who have to beg and scrape and borrow
The restoration of families and the discipling of nations
This gospel of the Kingdom taught to bring reconciliation
This is the change, the “thing”
everyone is longing to see
Yes we stand as a generation
gratefully willing to be the seed
We will shine the light and give
our all to complete this destiny
And history will be our witness
that we chose the great victory
So as we stand together and we share
in this declaration
We know we have true power; there
is no room for imitation
We will leave an inheritance, an overflow
of abundance
Wisdom and truth will guide them
and faith will be the substance
They will see order restored, and the
ones to come redeemed
because you and I submitted and we purposely
the word of truth and purest hearts,
uncommon weapons as these
are the greatest in our arsenal
when it’s time to route deceit.
This virtuous cycle is the impetus
that will form
wholeness in our day and hope for
what’s to come
joy as we stand together preparing
the Bride for the Son
these are the foundations of His
soon and coming kingdom
We are as in the beginning in His
image with authority
Walking in this restoration with
the Seal of the great family
Through revelation we are conduits
to set the captives free
yield to bring heaven to earth; this is our divine legacy.
©2012 Aisha Nichole Willis